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Data Therapy Session #1: I’m Fine, Leave Me Alone

By Anthony Magee

With the exciting emergence of GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) and a real definition of AI and deep-learning (rooted in speeding up delivery of your business use cases), I’m seeing CTOs and CMOs co-deciding to build it now, recognising that the right tech currently exists to build at scale without masses of technical debt.

What’s Your Customer’s Next Move?

By Kerry Hew

Every time a customer visits your site or opens your app, they are leaving breadcrumbs and feeding your clickstream data. Furthermore, it’s AI Assisted Customer Analytics which utilizes machine learning to discover the information you need about your customers so that you can make smarter decisions for your business.

It’s the Thought That Counts

By David Searle

Your customers are craving personalisation and machine learning does just that, allowing you to respond instantly in the moments which matter the most. Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, you name it, are all utilising ML. And if you’re not (that is, if you’re looking at customer data as a static thing), you will quickly lose out.

Retailers Can Have Their Bricks and Click Them Too

By Jay Marwaha

Despite what you might have read, retail is not dying. Sure, brick-and-mortar retailers today face significant competition from their digital counterparts. But with the right omni-channel strategy, they can outperform online-only stores by providing the best of both worlds.

Are Homemade Customer Analytics Applications Better?

By Jay Marwaha

Your team may be perfectly capable of building an infrastructure and enterprise application. But what happens when you have to build for a more specialized function, such as predictive behavioral analytics? More often than not, the necessary skill sets for building these kinds of applications fall outside the scope of your team.

This is Going To Be Yuge

By Jay Marwaha

If you want to make your business great again, you gotta know who your customer is. We need to take our customer back to being great again.